High Street Shops

Including jewellery, related goods and findings.

The following is a list of high street shops where comprehensive selection of crystals, minerals, fossils and associated goods can be found, also on hand are knowlegeable traders that maybe able to help and advise you on all matters relating to the Rock and Gem world. Some of those listed can also be found at shows and events around the country.

Crystal and Mineral Suppliers

Suppliers for the gift, collector, museum, new age retailer.

Here's a list of supplies that are able to offer a range of crystals and minerals also related goods, where listed they also supply to the retail trade from museums, craft, gift and new age shops. Some also attend shows and events around the country.

Gemstone, Bead, Jewellery Making and Lapidary

Including, lapidary tools, polishers, tumbling machines, hand tools and everything for the amateur and professional stone polisher and jewellery maker.

Following is a list of specialist supplies dealing in gemstone, gem cutting and jewellery making equipment and machines. Some also attend shows and events around the country.

Fossil Suppliers

Suppliers for the gift, collector, museum, new age retailer.

Here's a list of supplies that are able to offer a range of fossils and related goods, where listed they also supply to the retail trade from museums, craft, gift and new age shops. Some also attend shows and events around the country.

Gemstone Jewellery Suppliers

Suppliers of Gemstone Jewellery for the gift, collector, museum, new age retailer.
Here's a list of supplies that are able to offer a range of crystal and Gemstone Jewellery also related goods, where listed they also supply to the retail trade from museums, craft, gift and new age shops. Some also attend shows and events around the country.

Magazines, Journals & Publications

Crystal, mineral, gemstone, fossil, jewellery making publications.

Clubs and Associations

Lapidary, Gemology, Geology, Fossils clubs and associations in the UK and further afield.

Other Links

To see a list of mineral, crystal, gemstone, fossil shows/events both UK and worldwide visit our show page, if you organise or know of a show please get in touch to list it here.

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